Mann Elementary / by Erica Hawkinson


Location: South Chicago- 8050 S Chappel, Chicago IL 60617
Year(s): 2014-2017
Participants: 550 [4th-8th grade students]
Description:  From 2014 to 2016, with the help of 4th-8th grade students from Mann Elementary, Green Star Movement completed murals that wrap around the school's exterior and brighten up the playground and cafeteria. In 2017, we completed the final phase of a 4-year project to wrap Mann Elementary with mosaic. The coup de grace was this 150 ft smoke stack that is covered in hot air balloons. The balloons' designs range from prominent African Americans such as Katherine Johnson of NASA and Thurgood Marshall of the Supreme Court to symbols of our community such as the Chicago flag and a cardinal, the state bird of Illinois.