Location: 1556 E 56th St, Chicago, IL 60637
Year(s): 2021
Participants: Harte Students
Description: Our team completed this project with the students at Harte Elementary. Various nature patterns and mandalas make up the design of this
Englewood Undepass - Marquette Rd /

Location: Edgewater Beach- 225 W Marquette Rd, Chicago, IL, 60621
Year(s): 2021
Participants: Volunteers, Community Members, and teen Apprentices
Partner(s): Innovation 80
Description: Our team completed this underpass mural with community members, volunteers, and our teen apprentices. The design features clusters of flowers and was voted on by the local community.
Chase Elementary School /

Location: 2021 North Point St, Chicago, IL 60647
Year(s): 2021
Participants: Chase Students
Description: Our team completed this project with the students at Chase Elementary. The mural depicts the word “Chase" in sign language, while the imagery in the background represents each element of STEAM.
Lee Elementary School /

Location: 6448 S Tripp Ave, Chicago, IL 60629
Year(s): 2020-2021
Participants: Lee Students
Description: Our team completed this mural with the students at Lee Elementary. A lion (the school mascot) surrounded by flowers welcomes the students and visitors at the entrance.
Little Brothers - Friends of the Elderly /

Location: Edgewater Beach- 355 N Ashland Ave, Chicago, IL 60607
Year(s): 2020-2021
Participants: Volunteers and Community Members
Partner(s): Allied World Insurance Company
Description: Our team completed this mural with community members and members of Little Brothers. The design of this mural was inspired by Little Brothers' motto, flowers before bread, expressing the spirit that man does not live by bread alone; it is the human touch that makes life worth living.
Berwyn Underpass at Lake Shore Drive /

Location: Edgewater Beach-950 W. Berwyn Ave, Chicago, IL 60640
Year(s): 2017
Participants: Volunteers and Community Members
Partner(s): 48th Ward
Description: Our team completed this "Welcome to Edgewater" mural on the Berwyn Underpass with the help of the 48th ward.
Gunsaulus Elementary /

Location: Brighton Park - 4420 S Sacramento Ave, Chicago IL 60632
Year(s): 2014-2016, 2019, 2020, 2021
Participants: 40 [4th-8th grade students]
Description: Over several years, Green Star Movement completed several projects at this elementary school in Brighton Park. GSM murals can be found on the main entrance, facing the playing field and playground, and on the theater entrance.
18th Ward Metra Underpass /

Location: Ashburn, W 79th St & S Kedzie Ave Chicago, IL 60652
Year(s): 2018
Participants: Volunteers and Community Members
Partner(s): 18th Ward
Description: This mural, located at a busy intersection on the Southwest Side of Chicago, is part of the 50x50 Neighborhood Arts Project, which provided funding for a public art project in each of Chicago's 50 Wards.
The 18th Ward chose us to help beautify this Metra underpass to make it more pedestrian-friendly. They wanted a design that would name each of the different neighborhoods of the ward, showcase the diversity in the area, and highlight the fact that many people in the ward are civil servants, including police and fire fighters.
Lakeview /

Location: Lakeview-1025 W Belmont Ave, Chicago,IL 60657
Year(s): 2017
Participants: 15 [9th-12th graders]
Partner(s): Ward 44
Description: Inspired by the resplendent beauty of nature, this larger-than-life mural provides a splash of color and light alongside a sidewalk in Lakeview.
The Burnham at Woodlawn Park - Preservation of Affordable Housing /

Location: Woodlawn - 6154 S. Cottage Grove, Chicago IL 60637
Year(s): 2017
Partner(s): Preservation of Affordable Housing (POAH)
Description: Our team completed a mirror-mosaic sculpture and tile-mosaic benches for the courtyard of an affordable housing complex in Woodlawn run by the Preservation of Affordable Housing Chicago. The designs for both the sculpture and the bench were inspired by traditional African imagery and patterns.
Prescott Elementary /

Location: Lathrop Homes - 1632 W. Wrightwood, Chicago, IL
Year(s): 2011
Participants: 600 [4th-8th grade students]
Partner(s): Family Focus
Description: Over 4 years, GSM completed 4 murals here, the largest of which faces the school's field and playground along Ashland Ave and illustrates that "we are the authors of our lives."