Location: LeClaire Courts - 4640 S Lamon, Chicago, IL 60638
Year(s): 2013
Participants: 500 [4th-8th grade students]
Partner(s): Openlands
Description: OSituated between the campuses of both schools, the words "grow" and "conserve" are accompanied by scenes depicting a garden and a natural landscape.
Kozminski Elementary /
Location: Hyde Park - 936 E 54th St, Chicago IL 60660
Year(s): 2016
Participants: 120 [4th-8th grade students]
Description: The centerpieces in this mural about process and growth include a sprouting seed, a mature tree, and rays of light emanating from a book.
Melody Elementary School /
Location: East Garfield Park - 3938 W Wilcox St, Chicago, IL
Year(s): 2013
Participants: 500 [4th-8th grade students]
Partner(s): Kitchen Community, Architects for Humanity.
Description: Surrounding the school's garden and outdoor learning area, the murals depict the various stages of the agricultural cycle.