Inter-American Elementary by TechTeam


Location: Lake View - 851 W. Waveland, Chicago, IL
Year(s): 2013
Participants: 30 [9th-12th grade students]
Partner(s): After School Matters
Description: Located on columns at the front of the school and the wall facing the playground, these murals feature imagery from international cultures, such as Japan and Mexico. 

Inter-American is one of the oldest and most comprehensive dual language schools in the Midwest. Students learn to speak, read and write fluently in both Spanish and English.

Melody Elementary School by TechTeam


Location: East Garfield Park - 3938 W Wilcox St, Chicago, IL
Year(s): 2013
Participants: 500 [4th-8th grade students]
Partner(s): Kitchen Community, Architects for Humanity. 
Description: Surrounding the school's garden and outdoor learning area, the murals depict the various stages of the agricultural cycle. 

Lacuna Artists Loft by TechTeam


Location: Pilsen - 2150 S Canalport, Chicago, IL
Year(s): 2013-2014
Description: Four murals brighten up the main floor restrooms, rooftop bar, and the north and southeast entrances of this multipurpose cultural arts center.